Wednesday 17 March 2021

Year 8: Unit 8 "Phone Calls" (Wednesday, 17 March)


a) Open your Student's Book, page 50. (Ava oma õpik, lk 50.)
b) Listen to the chant in Exercise 1 at
c) Chant with the audio (loe kaasa).
d) What do the following phrases mean? (Mida järgnevad fraasid tähendavad?)
* Her phone is off again. 
* His phone is still on voicemail.
* I missed your call.
* I had my phone on silent.

Phone vocabulary.

a) Open a new Word document.
b) Write the title "Phone Vocabulary".
c) Write the phrases from your Student's Book Unit 8 Ex 2 into the document and translate them.
(Kirjuta fraasid oma õpikust Unit 8 Ex 2 sellesse dokumenti ja tõlgi need eesti keelde.)


a) Look at Exercise 3 page 51 in your Student's Book.
b) Listen to the dialogues at
c) Read with the audio. (Loe kaasa.)
d) Write the following sentences into your document and translate them (kirjuta järgnevad laused oma dokumendisse ja tõlgi need):

* I'm trying to get hold of Debbie but her mobile is off.
* Is she in?
* Yes, hold on. I'll get her for you.
* I'll ask her to call you back.
* That's kind of you.
* Could you please check if it's been found.
* Could you hold on for a moment?
* I'll be there in an hour.

e) Send the document to your teacher.

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