Wednesday 28 April 2021

Year 8: Unit 10 - phrases with TURN (Wednesday, 28 April)


Phrases with TURN.

a) Open your Student's Book (õpik), page 62.
b) Write the sentences in Exercise 2 into your English notebook and translate them.
(Kirjuta Exercise 2 laused oma inglise keele vihikusse ja tõlgi need eesti keelde.
Võid kasutada Google'i tõlget, aga ole sellega ettevaatlik ning iga tõlke puhul mõtle, kas nii on ikka loogiline eesti keeles öelda. Vajadusel paranda saadud tõlget nii, et see oleks eesti keeles korrektne.)

Send me photos of your translations.


a) Open your workbook (töövihik), page 71.
b) Do Exercise 5.
(Need on needsamad fraasid, mida tõlkisid eelmises ülesandes - vali lünkadesse õige eessõna, kus seda vaja on.)

Send me photos of this exercise.


a) In your workbooks, page 72, do Exercise 6.

I'll give you the sentences, but they are not in the correct order.

* Aunt Amy turned fifty last summer
* He turned the music down.
* Did Mary and Alice turn up for the show?
* Sorry, I forgot to turn off the tap.
* Take turns to read the sentences.
* Ken turned up after the party.
* My computer makes a strange noise when I turn it on.
* He turned over the postcard and read the message.
* The bus company turned down the plan for a new bus route.

Send me a photo of this exercise.

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