Thursday 9 April 2020

year 8: Unit 13 "Names" (Thursday, 9 April)

Tänase ülesande võid vormistada arvutis dokumendiks (kasvõi siit blogist teksti kopeerides) või teha käsitsi vihikusse.

Task 1
Read the chant in your Student's Book (õpik) Unit 13 Ex 1.
You can listen to it at
Translate the following vocabulary items:
a given name –  _______________________________
a nickname – _______________________________
a pen name – _______________________________
Practise reading the chant.

Have a look at the English names in your Student's Book (õpik) Unit 13 Ex 2.
Write out the pairs of the names and the short forms of them.
Kirjuta välja nimede paarid - täisnimi (õpikus tähistatud rohelisega) ja selle täisnime lühivorm(id) (õpikus tähistatud roosaga).
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________
______________ - _________________

Kuula ja kontrolli oma valikuid -

a) Read and listen to the dialogues in Unit 13 Ex 3a. -
c) Find the English phrases for the following:
Kuidas käsi käib? _____________________________________
Hästi, tänan küsimast. Ja sul? __________________________________________
Mul läheb ka hästi. _________________________________
Oled sa kohtunud Jimiga? _______________________________
Me mängime koos tennist. ______________________________________
Meeldiv sinuga tutvuda, Jim. _____________________________________
Ema, see on Tony. ______________________________________
Meeldiv tutvuda, Tony. _____________________________________
Tere. Meeldiv teiega ka tutvuda. ______________________________________________
Muide, Tony isa käib sinuga samas joogaklassis. ______________________________________________________________________________

Google for your first name. Where does it come from? What is it’s original form? What does it mean? (Start your search with “the origin of the name _________”. Look at 3 different search results.)

Go to and generate (and choose) a rapper name for yourself.
My rapper name would be ___________________________________.

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