Wednesday 1 April 2020

Year 9: "Wales" (III) (revision) (Wednesday, 1 April)


a) Open your workbook, page 52.
b) Do the listening task, Exercise 8.
The audio is here:

Vocabulary and phrases.

a) Turn to page 51 in your workbook.
b) Do Exercise 7.
I'll give you the sentences, but they are not in the correct order.

* The girls are eager to show us their holiday photos.
* The wolf with a white patch was always at the head of the pack.
* She felt great remorse for what she'd done, but it was already too late.
* Ten minutes ago, I was so fast asleep that I heard absolutely nothing.
* Lots of flights have been cancelled due to bad weather conditions.
* Mum and Dad accompanied me to my new school on the first day.
* The pop star's security guards were always in attendance when he walked in the city.
* John stood rooted to the spot, speechless / unable to say anything.
* The papers were torn to shreds and lay scattered on the floor.

Making questions.

a) Turn to page 48 in your workbook.
b) Do Exercise 3.
Moodusta nende lausete põhjal küsimused nii, et allajoonitud osa sobiks sinu küsimuse vastuseks.
Näiteks: 1. The prince lived in a castle. --- Where did the prince live?


a) Go to page 50 in your workbook.
b) Do exercise 6. 
Täida lüngad sulgudes antud tegusõna õige vormiga. (Ajavormid. - Peamiselt lihtminevik, nagu lugude jutustamisel ikka.)

Send me photos of all the four exercises.

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