Friday 27 March 2020

Year 7: Unit 9 "My Fair Lady" (Friday, 27 March)

"My Fair Lady" (TB Unit 9 Ex 5-6)

a) Open your Student's Book, page 56.
b) Read the text in Exercise 5 and listen to it (
c) Write the phrases from Exercise 6 into your notebook and find the translations to these phrases from the text in Exercise 5. (NB! Don't use Google Translate! Find the phrases from the text.)
d) Find the answers to the following questions from the text in Exercise 5. Write the answers into your notebook.
Questions Set 1
1. Whose play is the movie musical My Fair Lady based on?
2. Who are the main characters in the movie?
3. What does Professor Higgins promise to do?
4. What does Freddy like about Eliza?
5. Why does Eliza get angry at Professor Higgins?

"Cockney English" (TB Unit 9 Ex 7)

a) Look at your Student's Book, page 57.
b) Read the text in Exercise 7 and listen to it (
c) Find the answers to the following questions from the text in Exercise 7 (the last two questions are not in the text - just give your own opinion). Write the answers into your notebook.
Questions Set 2
1. Where in London did people use to speak cockney English?
2. Is it still widely spoken there?
3. Why can it be difficult to understand what a cockney speaker says?
4. What does a person's accent tell us about them?
5. Why is it important to learn and use new words in your speech?

"Royal Ascot" (TB Unit 9 Ex 8-9)

a) Look at your Student's Book, page 58.
b) Read the text in Exercise 8 and listen to it (
c) Write the phrases from Exercise 9 into your notebook and find the translations to these phrases from the text in Exercise 8. (NB! Don't use Google Translate! Find the phrases from the text.)
d) Find the answers to the following questions from the text in Exercise 8. Write the answers into your notebook.
Questions Set 3
1. What is Royal Ascot?
2. When and who was it started by?
3. How many days does it last?
4. Who supports the race?
5. How does the Royal Family arrive at the event?
6. Why can't the people who attend the event wear whatever they like?
7. What makes Ladies' Day  special?

If you need help, do the tasks together with your teacher.

Send me the photos of your tasks in your notebook.

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