Thursday 19 March 2020

Year 8 "Money" (vocabulary training) (Thursday, 19 March)

We shall begin with some revision of the previous lesson.


a) Go to
b) Do the tasks.
c) Submit the form.

Vocabulary expansion.

a) Go to
b) Open the Word document that you started yesterday.
b) Scroll down the page a bit.
c) Find:
            * 3 words/phrases to show, that someone is very rich;
            * 3 words/phrases to show that someone does not have much money;
            * 3 words to describe someone that gladly shares their money;
            * 3 words to describe someone that doesn't want to share their money;
e) Write the words/phrases onto your document.
f) Send the document to your teacher.

Dialogue (pronunciation).

a) Find the dialogue at the bottom of the page. (
b) Practise reading the dialogue aloud.
c) Make sure you know what these people in the dialogue are talking about (use Google Translate, if you need to).
d) Call your teacher and read the dialogue on the phone with her. Answer her questions about the dialogue, if she has any.

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