Thursday 26 March 2020

Year 9: Unit 7 "Wales" (II) (Thursday, 26 March)

Reading comprehension. (Lugemisülesanne.)

a) Read the text about Wales on pages 46-47 (Exercise 4). Translate unknown words. (Tõlgi tundmatud sõnad.)
b) Turn to page 48.
b) Answer the questions in Exercise 5. Search the Internet if necessary. (Write the answers into the "Wales" document that you created yesterday.) (Vasta Exercise 5 küsimustele. Otsi vastuseid Internetist, kui vaja. - Kirjuta vastused eile avatud "Wales" dokumendisse.)
c) Send the document to your teacher.

NB! I really don't want screenshots this time. I want the real document to be sent to my e-mail. (
(Palun seekord mitte saata kuvatõmmiseid. Soovin saada tõelist teie koostatud dokumenti minu e-mailile.)

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