Wednesday 18 March 2020

Year 8: Money (vocabulary training) (Wednesday, 18 March)

a) Go to page

b) Start a Word document with the title "Money".

c)  Write TASK 1 onto your document and translate the following words (write the words and the answers onto your document).

cash -
credit card -
cheque -
bank -
cash machine/ATM -
coins -
(bank)notes -
piggy bank -
poor -
rich -
purse -
wallet -
safe -
till -

d) Do the game at
e) Take a photo of the results of your game and send it to me via e-mail or in a messenger conversation.

f) Write TASK 2 onto your document and find (from and copy the definitions of the following words onto the document.

account -
bank charges -
borrow -
branch -
cashier -
cheque -
counterfeit -
currency -
debt -
interest -
lend -
loan -
mortgage -
pension -
salary -
withdraw -

g) Do the Quiz on page
h) Take a photo of the results of your Quiz and send it to me via e-mail or in a messenger conversation.

If you have any troubles understanding your tasks, contact me via email or messenger. I will help.

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